Visit my new website!

Just head to

Also, connect with @amadvox on social media for the latest!

NaNoWriMo: So far, so good

If and when I decline any and all invitations this month to be social, you should blame it squarely on this month’s endeavor to write a novel during National Novel Writing Month. Maybe, just maybe, you will get to read a version of it one day.

2017NaNoStart 2017-1102

Photo recap: My 2017 Triathlon Season

I had a really great summer full of challenges, surprises, and fun adventures.

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How was yours? Looking forward to new adventures this Fall.

A to-do list is a continual creation

As I celebrated the completion of another trip around the sun this weekend, I took another look at my creative to-do list. My main goal is to launch a podcast this year. This has been a goal from the previous year(s) but hasn’t yet happened. I take full responsibility for not having made that happen. From today I have 215 more days to change that, plus I have this handy list to stay on track to achieve this.

I’d also like to begin and release a creative project this year. Whether it be getting a book published, releasing an album of music, or collaborating with others to pull off a short-film screening event I’m going to make it happen. If history is any indication I’ve been great at starting these types of things however getting them to a point where I can share them with others is a different challenge.

For now I am sharing my to-do list and soon, the podcast.

New Year, new blog focus

Screen shot 2015-08-27

 Ready to Tackle 2016 with Courage?

Join me on this quest by clicking the button on the right hand side of the blog to subscribe or the follow button at the top, if you haven’t already, for the latest updates straight to your inbox or dashboard. Please leave a comment if you like what you’ve read. Let’s encourage each other and achieve some great things this year.

I’ve previously mentioned that I don’t make resolutions, but that I do set yearly goals. I set what I believe to be a few feasible, yet ambitious goals with a year timeline, and then plan to work toward them. Being an optimistic realist I find myself uncertain of how things will turn out in terms of achievement by the year’s end.

Inevitably, life happens. Priorities change to shift the timelines of these goals to “someday” after which point I proceed with the best of intentions, until I finally decide to reset those intentions to align with my actions. Ultimately, I’ve become more aware of the fact that someday is reserved for things that you may want to do, but has the distinction of  being not important enough for you to plan for or schedule now.

A failure to fully plan, is a full plan to fail.

What do you know? It’s a new year, and so, a perfect time to hit that reset (and follow/ subscribe) button!

What is Success?

I believe that success is measured in hindsight as an assessment of a series of goals that you’ve worked to achieve. Being an accomplished person means that you’ve gained the courage, discipline, and focus needed to consistently achieve your goals.

Ultimately, I’d like to spend more time in ways that will allow me to attain success and to help others do the same. It’s important to apply previously built momentum from prior successes to future goals and to acknowledge that it’s something rarely achieved alone. I need my courageous crew. Is that you?

What’s one goal that you want to achieve in 2016 and for which you could use some encouragement? Share it in a comment.

2015, I am in you

Between you and me the title of this post is a bit of a joke. I’ve always found the phrase “<blank>, I am in you” treading a fine line of being off-putting at the same time as amusing. I still can’t decide what to make of it. Are there any colloquial phrases like that for you?

Goal Check

Some goals I had at the start of the year were

  • Launch a freelance writing career
  • Start a podcast
  • Finish revisions and send a query for the novel I finished in November.

At this time I’ve done the first one out of those three. The year is about one-third over now. That might indicate I’m on on track with these things. That isn’t the case though because these were all goals I put into motion at some point LAST year. Between making TRIPLE TIMe, a new gig that looks like it could lead to a long-term opportunity, and my volunteer activities, I don’t have much time to start a podcast or much mental energy to revise my novel. Well, not if I want to get enough sleep on any given night.

Who needs sleep, really?

On a freelancer self-help spree earlier this month, I picked up a copy of The Productive Writer by Sage Cohen at my local library. A mini-review is coming. As soon as I find make the time to finish reading it.

Growing and Cleaning: Must Be Spring

Over the last few months it appears that I took my A Mad Notepad tagline: A little less talk. A lot more doing, literally. It worked well for my productivity but I noticed that the blog hasn’t been the most active reading destination. so I want to take a moment to come up for air. That fresh Spring air with all the new plants, pretty flowers, pollen — *cough* *hack*– Pollen aside, I do like what the new season has brought so far.

Writing projects

I’ve made good progress on my professional writing venture started almost a year ago. I now have several pieces in the works. My most recent writing piece is now up on as part of a plan to showcase a variety of LAFD supporters. I’d also like to submit a piece to a forthcoming NaNoWriMo anthology and perhaps explore cool web series opportunities like this.

LA G33k D1nners, now in the South Bay

LA's first Geek Dinner in the South Bay.

LA’s first G33k D1nner in the South Bay. January 14th at Stacked, in Torrance. Click for larger.

As a regular attendee I got promoted to dinner co-host late last year. My first action was to incorporate the South Bay into the location rotation of monthly L.A. Geek Dinners starting this year.

In January I hosted my first meal, at Stacked, in Torrance. It was a little nerve-racking at first, especially when learning how to order meals on the iPads placed at every table. Overall we had a good time and our tables saw a variety of delicious, highly-customized meals.

Next month we’re returning for more food and fun. Join us on April 8th, at 7pm, especially if you’re a geek (any type of geek!) in Carson, Lakewood, Redondo Beach, Harbor City, Torrance, Long Beach, Gardena. We’ll be all up in your backyard in 2015! Don’t be shy and come say hi.

If you’re planning to attend please RSVP here:

Social network Spring cleaning

I reduced my social media noise to better focus on what really matters to me online. With recent news of Google+ having numbered days– a network I’ve actively used since their beta– I’ve officially dumped a handful of sites (BYE Empire Avenue, Xanga, and FriendFeed) and started using others regularly like Ello, Vine, and Instagram. I have a lot of new things to share on the latter that is sure to excite the armchair foodie in you. Watch that space!

Have you deleted any of your disused social networks lately?

Coming soon, TRIPLE TIMe the short film

TRIPLE TIMe Production

On set for TRIPLE TIMe Production.

I’m producing a sci-fi, short film about time travel called TRIPLE TIMe written and directed by Trevor Mayes. After a successful crowd-funding campaign earlier this month we’re currently in production (March 28 – April 12).  Though the shoot days are long it’s encouraging to see how dedicated everyone is to the project’s success. It’s has been a positive experience for me overall. I’ve learned a lot from launching a crowd-funding campaign (that could be another blog post if anyone’s interested) to being on set. I’ve gotten to work with some uber-talented craftspeople and actors. And that I was able to successfully navigate to the set in south OC and back without winding up on a toll road was a bonus. Is that a sign that feature film producing is my next career move? We’ll see. For more info please visit (and like) TRIPLE TIMe on Facebook!

How have you grown in the first 3 months of 2015?

Farewell, 2014! From the learning geek

New Year's Anticipation with Snoopy

2015 Anticipation with Snoopy!

And… in by midnight.

This year had its ups and downs but I want to take a moment to highlight the good things. Basically this was a year filled with learning.


This year I read ALL THE THINGS.

I read 31 books this year. I was going to scale back, but sometimes when I’m in a groove I can accomplish some cool things without much added effort, so I just went with it. I’ve tracked what I read on my Goodreads page. Feel free to connect with me there.

I also wrote a novel! I am pleased with the story but it definitely needs lots of revision. You can view my story synopsis here on my Medium page.

I can’t wait to reveal my 2015 plans which you’ll see in my next post. Until then, Happy New Year!

5 NaNoWriMo Thingies for Crazy-Awesome People

NaNoWriMo Participant 2014

Just keep writing!

Once again I’m writing a novel this month for NaNoWriMo! It’s not like me to have all this fun without you and so I’m inviting you to join in. If you’re in the Los Angeles area you could write your own using this county write-in calendar. Come write w/ other writers in person. Or write with others virtually!

Hey, where are you going? Okay, okay. You don’t have to write a novel this month if you aren’t so inclined. Perhaps you’re only curious to see how NaNo writers are living this month. If that’s more your style then follow my Tumblr. There I’ll give your mind a generous helping of NaNoWriMo life throughout November. On to the goodies!

5 NaNoWrimo Thingies for Crazy-Awesome People

  1. 50K in One Day (Kill Me Now) <– If you’re ever bored with the write a novel in 30 days challenge. Write a novel of at least 50,000 words in one day. Yes people do this. Not very coherently, but still. No, I’m not doing this.
  2. Five Day Novel <–  Less extreme than the aforementioned challenge but still quite a challenging writing feat. No, I’m not doing this.
  3. Reverse NaNo <– A fantastic method to help focus on front-loading your writing so that you write fewer and fewer words each day. Yes, I am doing this.
  4. Write or Die <– Your letters and words will disappear and other things will happen if you stop. So write, or else!
  5. Written? Kitten! <– If you’re not about that write or die life here’s some positive reinforcement for all of your writing needs. With Kittehs!

Are you doing NaNoWriMo? Using this month to work on another writing project (NaNoWriMo Rebel)? Connect with me on or on Tumblr ( and leave a comment with whatever writing project you’re tackling this month. Happy writing!

Maximize Your Social Media This Season

Social Media Week extends season

It’s been about a month since Social Media Week LA and I’m still absorbing an astounding amount of information. Because I couldn’t physically be in more than one place at once at the event I had to choose which panels to attend in-person. Fortunately, there was another option available. I signed up on my livestream account to receive an email whenever an archived SMW panel became available. Wallah! Now I can watch any of the presentations I missed, on demand.

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

The coolest thing about using Livestream is that you can connect with your friends and watch streams from anywhere and from anyone (musicians, vloggers, subject matter gurus, etc.). Essentially you’ll be everywhere at once, just not at the same time! Now that’s some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

I’m enjoying an archived stream on Beauty Bosses and Fashion Founders as I write this.

Beyond Fashion

SMCLA Presents Beyond Fashion: How Brands Build Community and Sales 10/21

Beyond Fashion: How Brands Build Community and Sales Tues., 10/21

The Social Media fashion fun continues with a Social Media Club LA event on Tuesday, Oct 21, at General Assembly, in Santa Monica. Check out the details and RSVP here:


Fit and Awesome

Running, Outdoors, Gluten Free, and Healthy Living Tips.

WordCamp Los Angeles 2017

September 29, 2017 – October 1, 2017

A Panda and a Book

Just me and my literary ramblings.

A little less talk. A lot more doing.

This Expat's Life

I love this place

WordCamp Los Angeles

September 5-7, 2014

Annette Berger

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MIT Media Lab

Enabling technologies for expression, participation, and understanding.

nita's books

children's, middle grade, and young adult book reviews and other writing

a potter's pen

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Transmedia Camp 101

Content Creation, Curation and Distribution in a Web 2.0 World

Anne Toole, writer

Learnings about writing for multiple media

Digital Pubbing

Exploring the ins and outs of the publishing industry

Not Rich Yet

It's going to happen. Gotta find something to do until then. News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.